Vintage Patterns

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Netting Vintage Patterns - INDEX

All care has been given to present these patterns in the original form. KnitHeaven is not responsible for errors.

  1. What is Netting, 302

  2. Netting needle and mesh, 302

  3. Netting, how to 303

  4. Netted lace, 309

  5. Netted open lace, 310

  6. Netted shell border, 311


  8. Nightcaps, netted, 343, 344

  9. Cover for Cake-Basket

  10. Fichu (or cape) for evening dress

  11. A Long Purse in Honeycomb Pattern

  12. Short Purse

  13. A Knitting Bag

  14. Vase Stand

  15. Pattern for Window Curtains

  16. Netted Window Curtain

  17. The Helen Cap

  18. Courvette for Devotional Chair

  19. Anti-macassar (1)

  20. Netted anti-macassar(2)

  21. Floral anti-macassar(3)

  22. Netted anti-macassar(4)

  23. Ottoman cover

  24. 1983 Mother Earth News article - Make your own Nets (building a fishing net - techniques, examples, etc.)

  25.  Ladies' Work Table, 1844 - Netting, Chap 14, 15

  26.  Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book, by Miss Watts, 1840

  27. New: Knitting, Crochet & Netting, by Mlle. Riego De La Branchardiere, 1846 - do not use without Permission - N—narcisse a trouvé des oiseaux Par Laura Caxton

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